Student Electronic Device Use
Personal electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones, smart watches, iPods, CD players, MP3 players, video game players, etc., create a disruption to the educational process. We recognize that personal electronics, if used appropriately, can enhance student learning. They can also create a disruption if not used appropriately. It is important that students learn how to use electronics in a responsible and respectful manner. Electronic devices have been and will continue to be targets of student theft. When stolen, they are seldom recovered. Students that bring such devices to school, do so at their own risk. The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of any such item.
Personal electronic devices and headphones/earbuds need to be off and put away during class times. Class sessions are measured “bell to bell.” Teachers expect to be able to teach, uninterrupted during these class times. Students are able to use electronics between classes, at lunch time, before and after school. If a student elects to not follow these rules, their electronic device may be confiscated and they will be subject to disciplinary action.
NOTE: Teachers may allow for exceptions, within their own classroom, for special circumstances.