December Students of the Month
Congratulations to our EHS students of the month. We celebrate your achievements and are proud of all you've accomplished!
Aryz Navarro
Reason for Selection: Aryz is a talented student and a leader in class. She produces graphic design work at a very high level, and is consistently used as an example in my classes. I appreciate Aryz’s hard work, determination, and passion that she brings to class daily, and am lucky to have her as one of my students!
Teacher: Cummings
Paige Murray
Reason for Selection: Paige is always on time to class, always prepared and always engaged. She is excelling in an upper level class due to hard work and dedication.
Teacher: Cox
Meraly Carrillo
Reason for Selection: I would like to highlight that Meraly consistently comes to class prepared and demonstrates a strong work ethic in her academics. Her dedication is truly commendable, and I believe it positively impacts her learning experience. Great Job Meraly!
Teacher: Dow
Bailee Morris
Reason for Selection: Bailee is an excellent student and a pleasure to have in class. She consistently completes her work well and is always prepared for tests and quizzes. She is motivated to complete makeup work in a timely manner and demonstrates quiet strength in leading those around her. Keep up the great work, Bailee!
Teacher: Bair
Spencer Kono
Reason for Selection: Spencer has worked hard this year and is really excelling in his classes. He comes to school ready to work with a great attitude. He genuinely cares about his education and always wants to give his best effort on his assignments. I’m so proud of him and the progress that he has made!
Teacher: Limb
Ryder Mann
Reason for Selection: Ryder has been making tremendous progress, has a positive attitude, and great attendance. These attributes demonstrate that he is goal oriented and we enjoy having him in class.
Teacher: Burns
C.J. Schultz
Reason for Selection: CJ has been producing professional grade welds that would easily land him a high paying job as a welder. He has been very helpful with my younger, and less experienced welding students, and is a good role model for how to get the most out of a welding education.
Teacher: Devine
Bayleigh French
Reason for Selection: Bayleigh works hard and goes above and beyond in her projects in science. We are grateful for the leadership she brings to our classroom!
Teacher: Ecalbarger